Dear Shareholders, to get your earnings report please go to any Banco Itaú branch, the custodian bank of Algar Telecom’s shares, and request your report. Or follow the steps below:
- Go to Banco Itaú’s digital mail portal: https://correspondenciasdigitais.com.br/login
- If this is your first access, follow the steps below:
– On (www.correspondenciasdigitais.com.br), click in First Access;
– Type your individual taxpayer’s ID (CPF) and birth date (Individuals) or corporate taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ) and date of formation (Legal Entities);
– Choose the option to check your identity (telephone number or email). If you do not find your telephone number and email, contact our Call Center at 0800 720 0223;
– Type the code received by email and/or phone and create your password;
– Type your CPF/CNPJ number and the new password to have access to your documents.
If you have any other questions, call the toll-free number to Itaú’s shareholder service area:
Phone: (11) 3003-9285 (state capitals and metropolitan regions)
and 0800 7209285 (other municipalities)
On business days, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.