Our Telecom infrastructure covers Brazil’s main economic hubs, such as the states of Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Federal District, Rio de Janeiro, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. The combination of this large infrastructure built on modern fiber optics technology, with products and services of renowned quality, in addition to our in-house, close and advisory customer service, is reflected in the high renewal rate of corporate contracts, which totaled 88.5% in 2017.

According to a survey performed by Expertise in 2016, 94% of our large- and medium-sized B2B clients were satisfied or very satisfied with our products and services. Our B2C service was acknowledged by the ReclameAQUI site, which, in 2016, ranked us as no. 1 in the category “Best Companies for the Consumer – Telecom Industry”. In addition, in July 2017, we were once again ranked as the telecom service provider with the highest Customer Service Performance Index (“Índice de Desempenho no Atendimento” or IDA), according to the ranking of complaints against service providers prepared by the country’s regulatory agency (ANATEL).

